Privacy policy
By means of this warning, PEBER S.L. informs to the users of its Web site about its Policy of protection of personal character data so that the users determine frees voluntarily and if the personal data wish to facilitate to PEBER S.L. that can be required to them or that can be obtained from the users on the occasion of the subscription or discharge in some of the services offered by PEBER S.L. by means of their network of Web sites. PEBER S.L. reserves the right to modify the present policy to adapt it to legislative or legal new features as well as to practices of the industry. In these assumptions, PEBER S.L. will announce in this page the changes introduced with reasonable advance to their putting in practice.
The picked up personal data will be object of treatment automated and incorporated to the corresponding files automated by PEBER S.L., being this one holder and responsible for their own file. With this object, PEBER S.L. will provide to the users the suitable technical resources so that, with previous character, they can accede to this warning on the Policy of protection of data or to any other excellent information and can give his consent in order that PEBER S.L. comes to the automated treatment of their personal data. Safe in the fields in which the opposite indicates itself, the answers to the questions on personal data are voluntary, without the lack of answer implies a decrease in the quality or amount of the corresponding services, unless another thing is indicated.
The collection and automated treatment of the personal data have as an aim the maintenance of the contractual relation if so established with PEBER S.L., the management, administration, benefit, extension and improvement of the services in which the user decides to subscribe, to register, or to use the adjustment of these services to the preferences and tastes of the users, the study of the use of the services on the part of the users, the design of new related services, the shipment of updates of the services, the shipment, by traditional and electronic means, of technical information, operative and commercial about products and services offered by or through PEBER S.L. at the moment and in the future. The purpose of the collection and automated treatment of the personal data also includes the shipment of forms of surveys, that the user is not forced to answer.
PEBER S.L. has adopted the levels of security of protection of the legally required personal data, and has installed all the means and technical measures to their reach to avoid the loss, evil use, alteration, nonauthorized access and robbery of the personal data facilitated to PEBER S.L.. It despite, the user must be conscious that the safety measures in Internet are not unconquerable.
The users have recognized and will be able to exercise the rights of access, cancellation, rectification and opposition, as well as they have in writing recognized the right to be informed into the realised cessions contacting with PEBER S.L. through electronic mail or in the direction: Casp 31 08010 Barcelona. PEBER S.L. will not always yield the personal data to third parties, unless it is necessary for the benefit of the service asked for by the user, and with the unique intention to be able to realise the asked for service.
PEBER S.L. uses cookies and sessions of user when is sailed by its network of Web sites. These cookies are associated solely with an anonymous user and his computer, and they do not provide in case the full name of the user. Thanks to the cookies, it is possible that PEBER S.L. recognizes the registered users after these have been registered for the first time, without they must register itself in each visit to accede to the areas and services reserved exclusively to them. The used cookies cannot read data of their hard disk nor read the archives cookie created by other suppliers. The User has the possibility of forming his navigator to be warned in screen of the reception of cookies and to even prevent the installation of cookies in his hard disk. In order to use the network of PEBER S.L. web sites it does not turn out necessary that the user allows to the installation of the cookies sent by PEBER S.L., although this can repel in one worse experience of navigation for technical reasons.
By legal reasons, PEBER S.L. will be able and have to facilitate whichever information is required to him to the competent authorities according to the Spanish laws in case of mediating the pertinent judicial order, which only occurs when a judge has signs suspicion that the user has realised illegal activities. Under this assumption, and with the intention to collaborate with justice, PEBER S.L. can register and later to facilitate the police, previous presentation of legally necessary the judicial order or another requirement on the part of the competent authorities according to the effective laws in every moment, information regarding the direction IP that it identifies to the connection of the user, as well as the exact hour of the same, names of user and passwords, among others data. The user accepts that the information regarding its IP, as well as date and exact hour, are associated to the activities that PEBER S.L. realises in the network of PEBER sites and are stored in their own servers.